Dear Amber’s Community,  (updated 1/10/22)

The CDC has updated their Covid-19 isolation and quarantine guidance. Please read for the most up-to-date guidance for when students or staff may return to school after Covid-19 infection or exposure.

Students and Staff who test positive

  • Stay home for 5 days after onset of symptoms or after positive test if asymptomatic.
  • Return to school on day 6 if student/staff is symptom-free. Must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.

Students/Staff who are exposed to Covid-19 (Close Contacts)

  • Fully Vaccinated and boosted if eligible OR previously positive within 90 days
    • May continue to attend school if symptom-free
    • If symptoms develop, stay home and seek testing

Social distancing and wearing a mask are still encouraged. As always, our sanitation procedures continue to be enhanced. Cleaning of common areas will be occurring throughout the day and our cleaning crew is aware of our expectations.

Follow us on social media for further updates and feel free to contact us with any questions.

Thank you for choosing Amber’s!

Brian Shrieve, President